It’s Spring...the seasonal changes cause new plant growth to "spring forth." Daylight hours rapidly increase and as Chicago warms the snow begins to melt and colors come out. Rejuvenated from a long and cold Chicago winter, many find spring to be about proving themselves. Blood is spilling on the streets and in headlines. Recruiting season in Chicago’s gangs is now upon us. New recruits across all sides are holding down their colors, nation, and hood by killing the innocent along with the enemies. By the looks of the streets, parties, and newspapers, kill-zones have been established and the murders have begun.
31 March 2008
Killing Season
28 March 2008
U-S-H-E-R P-R-E-S-T-O-N now baby tell me whatcha gonna do to me.
He was born in the 80’s…he is 14K gold…and I better spell his name in all caps, PRESTON. That last post got me thinking dude needs a proper bloggy introduction, so here are some quotes from articles and pictures I’ve stolen off the internet.
Nobody Likes Me...
Everybody hates me, guess I’ll go eat worms… HAahaaa. The link below is to a "Blotter" style report of a graffiti arrest in which the accused is facing a felony case. Along with the posting there are replies from Joe Schmoes with their hilarious thoughts on the matter. Here are some highlights:
Cop Chicago, IL. Tuesday Mar 25
“We catch them all the time and all they get is a slap on the wrist! Their faces should be spray painted!”
Response: Fuck you Pacman.
Cravat Chicago, IL. Tuesday Mar 25
"Hopefully "Preston" and "Vegan" slip up next. "
Response: Props to Preston and Vegan.
Kevin Chicago, IL. Tuesday Mar 25
"I caught a kid tagging my building once. After I chased him down the street, and beat the crap out of him, I took his spray paint, held him down and spray painted his genitals. We haven't had much of a problem with graffiti since then. You may call me crazy. I call it swift justice."
Response: Actually, I think I’ll call you faggot rapist.
Jay Chicago, IL. Tuesday Mar 25
"Maybe this guy is Preston or vegan (I actually clicked on this article in hope of seeing that either of those two taggers got caught). I would love to see those *ssholes get thrown in the can or, as the Las Vegas mayor once proposed, get their tagging hand cut off. "
Response: Damn dropping those names again, the public knows.
Jim A in Chicago, Chicago, IL. Tuesday Mar 25
"I was at a CAPS meeting in the 14th last year when the subject of graffiti and "Preston" came up and this one cop got glassy-eyed, his facial muscles tightened and as he looked off into the distance he said if it's the last thing he does he's going to get this "Preston" guy. It was almost scary! "
Response: The last thing he does? Come on now the last thing he honistly does will be a real cop rather than some Steven Seagal jockin’ “Out for Justice” ball-sack holding vigulanty cop.
Joe Mama Columbus, OH. Wednesday
Response: The gospel according to Joe Mother.
The article
Examples of Preston graffiti
Examples of Vegan graffiti
27 March 2008
Clear Channel Electric Billboards Hackable
Skullphone actually paid for this billboard. Tony Alwin of Clear Channel, one of the country's largest media conglomorates, is unhappy about the hacking rumors. "The advertisement was bought under the assumption that it was art that was in an art show," Alwin said. "Any claims about hacking into our systems is false. It's a lie, even."
Seen on Wired's blog.
RIP my Nigbot Hal Riney
Hal Riney propelled San Francisco from an advertising backwater to a creative juggernaut. He was a different man, so different that he not only affected the products we buy, but the presidents we elect. And how we talk. He penned the famous slogan about General Motors' Saturn division being a "different kind of company" — and drove the most successful new model introduction ever for GM. He made geezers Frank Bartles and Ed Jaymes household names for Gallo wine coolers. He was the brains behind the upbeat "It's Morning in America" ad that helped clinch Ronald Reagan's re-election in 1984. All three of these campaigns were named to Advertising Age's top 100 campaigns of the 20th century.
Riney, 75, died Monday, in his San Francisco home of cancer.
His Wiki Page
Advertising Hall of Fame
Chicago Style
So, what exactly is a Chicago Dog?
It's a steamed all beef Hot Dog topped with yellow mustard, bright green relish, onions, tomato wedges, pickle spear or slice, sport peppers and a dash of celery salt served in the all-important steamed poppyseed bun.
The toppings are just as important as the order they are applied to the hot dog. Add toppings in the following order:
Yellow Mustard
Bright Green Relish
Fresh Chopped Onions
Two Tomato Wedges
A Pickle Spear or Slice
Two Sport Peppers
A Dash of Celery Salt
Remember: When adding toppings, dress the dog and not the bun!
To quote Clint Eastwood in Sudden Impact, "You know what makes me really sick to my stomach? It's watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs! Nobody--I mean nobody puts ketchup on a Hot Dog!"
26 March 2008
Bush calls war in Iraq "Romantic"
President George W. Bush spoke with U.S. military and civilian personnel about the continued challenges with the war in Afghanistan now going on it's 6th year. The President was briefed on topics ranging from fighting police corruption to the increase in the poppy drug trade. Afghanistan produced more than 8,200 tons of opium in 2007, making the war-torn nation the world's largest illicit drug producer.
As he spoke with soldiers via a remote video link he said, “I'm a little envious, it must be exciting for you—in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger.”
I think he's just itching to get that flight suit on again.
25 March 2008
Word of the Day: Raggaeton
In this case, reggaeton is not a noun identifying a class of music, but a negative adjective used to describe any noun. Derived from the fact that reggaeton is pure garbage, its meanings consist of:
1. lacking appealing physical features, especially facial ones
2. someone who or something that is considered totally worthless
3. bad, incompetent, or totally lacking good, attractive, or admirable qualities
4. below an acceptable standard in quality or performance
5. lacking the skill or competence to perform a task adequately
6. not functioning properly because of a fault
7. repugnant or disgusting to the senses
For example, meaning #4: Flip dat bitch-ass chauncey on the corner and his reggaeton product, joe he be 'bout cuttin' the yeaoh straight to hell. It's only good for makin' my dick soft.
24 March 2008
Karma Threesixty
Billy Tuggle is the incredible poet also known as Karma Threesixty. He filmed the rhythmic "Rough Draft" on the streets of San Francisco.
Billy co-hosts one of Chicago's most popular performance open mic events at Funky Buddha Lounge and is featured at poetry slams and readings across North America.
What People do for Money
Divine Sounds
This video is available (in much better quality) on the Old School Music Videos 1982-1988 DVD. Buy it at Coat of Arms, NYC.
Jesus-Dracula, Part 2
I hope your Easter was wonderful.
The childhood game of telephone shows us that humans are imperfect. Stories, when passed along from person to person over time, become misconstrued and turned into something different from it's original. Because of this I'm uncertain as to whether anyone knows the true story of the first vampire.
In my studies I have come across nothing proclaiming the beginning of the autochthonous "vampire," but I am quite familiar with the story of Jesus. It is with this knowledge from which I draw similarities. I hypothesize that what we know as two separate stories is actually one in the same--all starting with a birth from a virgin. Jesus asked of followers to eat of his flesh and drink of his blood for which they’d be rewarded with immortal life...kinda like Dracula. Crucified on a cross? Vampires hate crosses (as should you too). After all KRSone proclaimed, "If Jesus was shot in the head with a 45, would we all have little gold guns around our neck." Let's not miss perhaps the most damning of evidence: Jesus rose from the dead and walked earth as the undead. From my understanding he is the only one to have ever done this--aside from vampires.
Draw your own conclusions, but don’t just walk around believing what society has forced upon you. After all, Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ approximately 1,971 (33CE) years ago, yet Hinduism has the oldest recorded roots in Dravidianism, which was practiced around 6000 to 3000 BCE in Sumerian, Egyptian and Babylonian cultures. There is no chicken and egg question here.
23 March 2008
The Cartoons of Ralph Bakshi
Saw Beans at the AntiPop show wearing a shirt with one of Ralph Bakashi's characters on it. Great cartoons, controversial as hell.
Coon Skin
Heavy Traffic
Hey Good Lookin'
The Chicago Spire
Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava's "Chicago Spire" will be added to Chicago's skyline in the year 2011.
Inspiration for the 2,000 foot building came from the patterns in nature, giving the 1,200 unit condo building a tapering seashell-like shape. Chicago, a city known for its architecture, already boasts structures designed by such greats as Mies, Wright, and Gerhy--but none of these architects have changed the skyline of the city like Calatrava.
The good: Celebrity architect will attract more tourism which means more revenue for the city.
The bad: The Spire will probably be all "luxury" condos (and we really need more of those).
22 March 2008
Happy Easter ya'll!
There is no more perfect time of the year then now to present this question I pose to you. Was Jesus the first Dracula?Read more on this tomorrow...
What to do Saturday: Anti-Pop Consortium
Or if you're in Chi, check out Radar Eyes Closing Party
21 March 2008
Radar Eyes Closing Party
Photo by Aron Gent
This Saturday is closing night for Radar Eyes, a giant experimental print show co-curated by Ruben Kincaid and Montreal's Seripop at Chicago's Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Featuring work by: Seripop • Xander Marro • Leif Goldberg • Michael DeForge • Rob Doran • Ron Liberti • Daniel St George II • Cody Hudson • Carrie Vinarsky • Sakura Maku • Zeloot • The Little Friends of Printmaking • Justin Gradin • Jesjit Gill • Tom Hohmann • Nolen Strals • Delicious Design • Nina Logan • Mark McGinnis • Raphael Lyons • Lisa Ceccarelli • Dominique Pétrin • Rob Churm • Keith Herzik • Urban Inks • Dan Grzeca • Steak Mtn• J. G. Pizzoli • Luke Frost • Gunsho • Tim Gough • N Freibert • Alphonse Raymond • Other • Dernier Cri • Bongout • Devon Varmega • Matt Hart • DNML • Tetsunori • Push The Button • Dave Bailey • Michael Comeau • Mille Putois • Sonnenzimmer • Mike Krol • Lizz Hickey • E*rock • Brent Wadden • Matthew Lock • Jared Connor • Alvaro Ilizarbe • Luke Ramsey. Performance by The Killer Whales.
The Co-Prosperity Sphere
$5 cover after 9pm
Guilty Simpson
www. stonesthrow. com/guiltysimpson
+ MIAMI ....
Today's Secret Word Is...
According to Encarta® World English Dictionary:
FLANGE (n.) a projecting collar, rim, or rib on an object for fixing it to another object, holding it in place, or strengthening it.
Today we are going to reaffirm its other definition: Slang for labia. For example: Tanisha said, "I was sunbathing and burnt my flange. It looks like a slice of watermelon."
Special thanks to Pee wee for make childhood dope!
20 March 2008
Elmo Breaks it Down
Only a crack-team of child molesters could invent something that gets kids to sit and do nothing as well as ELMO LIVE does. Seriously, where does the motivation come from to get children to stop imagining and thinking for themselves. My guess is molesters--who else would want a bunch of dumb kids laying about in their own drool?
Companies need to stop reinventing the TV and create mind-engaging toys/product/activities that challenge and build brainpower otherwise we're in for another lost generation that will turn into scumbags much like myself.
Elmo Live goes on sale nationwide mid-October for around $60. Get ready for fist-fighting parents.
Peep the video: ELMO LIVE
What's Really Good?
It's not a novel idea, but shit, a solid color shirt layered under a polo or button up is so ill on girls or boys.
Time For a Change
Barack Obama on Race & Politics
Obama wrote the speech himself, working on it for two days and nights.... and showed it to only a few of his top advisers.
Now compare that to our current Prez. with his lack of basic prose
Don't Hate. OBAMA in 2008!
Wizard People
POWER-BABY (Chapter 1) By: Brad Neely
Wizard People is an unauthorized re-envisioning of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by Brad Neely.
New York Underground Film Festival
19 March 2008
Bad designers?
Ha, it's more like bad clients. Overstepping their grounds, pushing too far, over doing/thinking everything... this blog is for
To all the clients of the world that feel they have a vision, in the words of 2-Live-Crew "get the fuck outta my house bitch".
Art Burglar Strikes Again!
To the utter dismay of the Johnathon Levine Gallery in Chelsea the art theif who stole a drawing from the gallery earlier this month has struck again! The art lifter was able to walk out with yet another piece from the current exhibition of Lori Earley's work Fade to Gray, even though they upgraded security since the last theft.
Here's the second B-burglarized painting titled "Awaiting."Looks like we have another mystery on our hands! Where's my kerchief?
G.enuine R.eality I.ntroduced E.ntirely F.elt
Brooklyn bred rapper/producer G.R.I.E.F.78 spits that real hip-hop shit amongst a lot of lame- ass acts. Like the man says, "Some things gotta blossom out of the pressure and pain"
Download The Miles Away EP:
http://download. yousendit. com/4C7C68ED25B46F23
Casper the Friendly Ghost
Love lives forever.
R.I.Power Justin Pierce and Harold Hunter.
18 March 2008
17 March 2008
Few things are certain. Many things are damning.
My mother might have just had a stroke, we'll find out soon.
There will be Blood
"Actually...looks really interesting." Haha, scope the Vagina 'O'
16 March 2008
15 March 2008
Stamina 2008 at the Whitney
NYC downtown artist Agathe Snow has created one of her "Environments" for the Whitney Biannual. Stamina 2008 is a week-long, 24-hour-a-day dance party marathon that is in it's final hours tonight.
Architect and designer Christian Wassmann collaborated with Agathe Snow to create the DJ booth. Peep the crazy DJ lineup for the past week:
Matthew Higgs, Spencer Sweeny, Ben & Manderson, No Ordinary Monkey, Chris Mexican, Meagan & Melanie, DJ spun, A-Ron The Downtown Don, Barr (Car Clutch), Roxy Oxy Cottontail, Free Simon, Run & Tug, Harvey, Rich, Tim & Dan (Philly), Oskar (Sweden), Hanna Liden, Stephane S., Morten, Gardar, Oliver & Dominic (Touch of Class), Julia Burlingham, Shayne (Voguers), Renata & Nicky Castro (Brazil), Theodore Fivel (France), Mark Gonzales, Henry, Adi & Angela (Asfour), Michael Portnoy, Andy Spade, Michal & Shoppy, A.R.E. Weapons, Steven, Aurelie & Boy (France), Adam Brenner (England), Frankie, Paul S., Simon O’Conner, Raina Hamne, Mike Fellows, Matt Creed, Rachel Chandler, Lissy Trullie, Leo Fitzpatrick, Taka, Marcus, Matt Damhave & Brian Degraw, Dash Snow, Jack Walls, Ben Cho, Nate Lowman
14 March 2008
Die for Oil
March is a month full of birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations. I mean there is my birthday, CommonSense's, the city of Chicago's, and there is one we as Americans we can celebrate together: It's the 5th year of the war in Iraq! So on Wednesday, March 19 grab a glass of champagne and celebrate with your friends and families. After all next year America will not be able to afford imported items.
Feeling extra gitty? Felling like a real man, a patriot, or maybe a little leader of the world-ish? Head down to the recruitment center, sign up, sign your brother, your sister, heck even your father. Now enlist and be 45 years old. America needs you!
Or you can go to:
5th Anniversary of the Iraq War
Mass March & Rally in Chicago
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 6 pm
Gather at 6 pm, Federal Plaza (Adams & Dearborn)
Rally, then a Mass March up Michigan Ave. to Washington Square Park (Clark & Delaware)
Call 773-463-0311 for more info or visit the link above.
Chicago's protest in the past 15 years have been made up of pussies and posers, that have gotten nothing done. It's time for everyone that has a problem to take a stand and FIGHT BACK. Fuck the President, straight up eat a dick.
Why Hoes Should Be Legal
1. So high powered men, like New York's Gov. Eliot Spitzer can continue to fight for ethics reform while cheating on their wives--all without risking criminal prosecution!
2. So we can send prostitutes W-2 forms. Spitzer's escort charged $5000 an hour, nearly $100 a minute, for her services. At 15% tax that's plenty of city flowers that can be planted. Tax them hoes!
3. It lends legitimacy to their real career aspirations. For instance, Spitzer's gal dreamed of making it in the music biz. She might be given more of a chance if she could include on her resume that she was boning the governor.
4. Smarter prostitutes could then form unions, organize health care for their members, and FINALLY get tested for STDs.
I kid. I'm also bothered that Spitzer's wife Silda, tight-lipped and dreary eyed, stood next to him in "support" as he addressed members of the media behind a protective podium the other day. She's doing what dozens of high profile wives have done before her, from Jackie Kennedy to Hilary Clinton. They all took the bullshit. And what happened? Jackie remarried for money and was proclaimed a classic legend of grace and womanhood, while Hilary aspired to be something more and is now criticized for trying to play tough in man's game (even though only a handful of presidents were ever REAL men).
4 Common Sense
Happy b-day to that Chi brother Common Sense! Enjoy this classic Chi-Town cut!
Text Messages From Hell!!!
By Smoove Poo
Tonight's episode: CUDDLEFUCK!
After missing out on a booty call the night before, Smoove Poo texts that special someone the following morning...
S.Poo: What's good Buttercup?
S.S.: I'm sobering up (hence the drunken booty call)
S.Poo (being extra smoove): Can I lick ur butt 2day? It's nice outside! (the weather has changed for the better)
S.S.: Dunno...I'm sober now. (People see things in a different light when sober)
S.Poo: I know, let's take a walk and get sm forties, like old times...(Desperation sets)
No answer...
1 hour later.
S.Poo (frusturated): U want me to pop that pussy or what??
(Quick reply) S.S: Y do U have to be so nasty?!? (annoyed)
S.Poo: Im just fucking w/u. we can cuddle and drink beer, and then cuddlefuck.
S.S. Ok.
Que "I'm a Flirt" by R. Kelly... Have a nice day Ya'll!
Observation With Intent
Tonight in Chicago, at 2nd floor gallery is Observation with Intent., some the absolute illest graffiti writers from Chicago's past and present come together. Photos from Risk's collaboration with Jack will be displayed tonight at the show. 2nd Floor's mission is to provide a gallery for artists in the community without prejudice. This is to be the first of many shows that will feature local artists.
Featured works by Chucho, Chris Silva, Demon, Denz, Dgonc, Flash, Gtek, Jack, K2, Nerd, Nyke, Omens, Poem, Raven, Revise, Risk, Rome, Skol, Solo, Static, Steph, and Zore.
2nd Floor Gallery
903 W.19th Street, Chicago
6pm- midnight
Work This Moutha FUCKaahhHa
My first job was in telemarketing doing surveys over the telephone. From 14-17 years of age this funded my every activity, which namely was drug addiction and girls. Through 1994-97 any empty place where a janitor had a key and the need to make money there was a rave between the hours of 12p-6a. This included such locales as Chicago's roller-rinks, expo-centers, warehouses, Burger King basements, lofts, and even funeral homes. Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I'd get a phone number that lead to a recorded voice relaying a map-point to the night's party. Pot, LSD,ruffies, ecstasy, coke, heroin, meth, glass, ice, and then rehabilitation. The path wasn't downward, instead it was one hell of a roller coaster, filled with pussy and more drugs. We were immortal until we meet death, but that's for another time.
Chicago was the birth place for house. And ghetto-house or bootie-house was it's little bad-ass bastard. WORK IT!
13 March 2008
Hip Hop Thursday (it's Thursday right?)
Seel Fresh "Problems"
Serengeti “I don’t know”
Iller Than Theirs "Razor Bumps"
12 March 2008
13 Reasons You Write Graffiti
posted by Ghetto P.
1. Your parents were hippies
2. You were a comic book nerd when you were younger
3. Your parents or strange uncle got you into art
4. You are frustrated with the world
5. Your older sister was a writer hoe (mad ill writers would come thru and show you shit)
6. To relieve outside stress
7. You believe art should be made public
8. The normalcy of an ordinary life disturbs you
9. You were born with angst
10. Star Wars
11. You are drunk
12. You dislike authority
13. You just plain old don't give a fuck!
Ode to the Geto Boys...
*phone rings*
[Hello, could I speak with, Bushwick Bill?]
Hello, this is Bushwick, motherfucking Bill
[Yes sir, I'm calling to inform you that you have been drafted
the United States military]
The Unites States wants me for what? Hahahaha
[Excuse me sir]
Hahaha, yeah yeah yeah, hey what's up?
[You need to contact your nearest recruiting office immeadiatly
I see your not hip to what's happenin'
I don't give a fuck about you and all that bullshit you stressin'
Fuck a war
To explain, let me kick it to you a little something like this:
(Bushwick Bill)
Motherfuck a war, that's how I feel
Sendin' a nigga to a dentist to get killed
Cause two suckas can't agree on something
A thousand motherfuckers died for nothing
You can't pay me to join an army camp
Or any other motherfuckin' military branch
of this United goddman States of this bitch America
Be a soldier, what for?
They puttin' niggas on the front line
But when it comes to gettin' ahead, they put us way behind
I ain't gettin' my leg shot off
While Bush old ass on t.v. playin' golf
But when you come to my house with that draft shit
I'ma shoot your funky ass bitch
A nigga'll die for a broil
But I ain't fightin' behind no gaddamn oil
Against motherfuckas I don't know
Yo Bush! I ain't your damn hoe
The enemy is right here g, them foreigners never did shit me
All of those wasted lives
And only one or two get recognized
But what good is a medal when your dead? tell Uncle Sam I said
chorus x2 (Willie D)
I ain't goin' to war for a shit talkin' president
Fuck fuck fuck a war!!!!!
yes fuck a war, posted by ghetto p.
wanted to post this yesterday, but i got smashed and got chased by the cops.
same ol shit!
Cai Guo-Qiang at the Guggenheim
Cai Guo-Qiang's Mid Career retrospective: I want to Believe, Cai’s largest installation to date is currently at the Guggenheim.
Flying wolves! It Looks Amazing.
10 March 2008
Alec Baldwin is a comic genius.
Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan on 30 Rock. Funniest Scene Ever!
09 March 2008
Graffiti Research Lab
The people over at Graffiti Research labs are always coming up with new and innovative ways to get up!
08 March 2008
JK5 Opening Party
JK5 OPENING PARTY, Tonight @ THE MISHKA POP-UP SHOP FROM 6-10pm! Mishka NYC will be releasing their new JK5Collection, a colab with artist JK5. Sucklord of Suckadelic is creating a limited edition Kreactivader figure for the opening.
Mishka Pop-Up Shop
218 Bedford Avenue (entrance on N. 5 th)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
L Train to Bedford Ave.
Erik Debat aka RISK Tonight
Art Installation by Chicago artist Erik DeBat aka RISK
Piccolo, 859 N. Damen at Iowa in Ukrainian Village
Saturday, March 8th, 2008 8 p.m. to 11 p.m
Risk recently created this Logan Square roller with B-Boy-B. Props.